What Can My Brand Do for Women’s History Month?

March 15, 2024
Women's History Month


Learn strategic insights for brands to celebrate Women's History Month while honoring achievements, amplifying voices, and fostering inclusivity.

In the spirit of Women's History Month, brands have a golden opportunity to not only celebrate the monumental contributions of women but also to amplify their voices and stories in a manner that resonates with audiences and aligns with core values. 

This period serves as a pivotal time for companies to reflect on the strides made towards gender equality, while also acknowledging the regular hurdles women encounter, especially in professional settings. 

Participating in honoring Women's History Month isn't merely an act of support; it's a strategic move towards fostering a culture of inclusivity, connecting on a deeper level with consumers, and showcasing the pivotal role women play in shaping industries and brands. 

Through a mix of innovative content creation, social media engagement, and internal initiatives, businesses can craft meaningful narratives that not only pay homage to women's achievements but also drive conversations around ongoing gender-related challenges. By doing so, brands not only contribute to a larger societal dialogue but also position themselves as champions of diversity, equity, and progress.

What Is Women's History Month?

Women's History Month has its roots deeply embedded in the early 20th century, evolving from localized celebrations to a nationwide observance in the United States and other countries. 

What began as International Women's Day has grown into a broader movement, reflecting the increasing awareness of women's contributions to history, culture, and society. In 1987, the U.S. officially designated March as Women's History Month, a time to honor the achievements and recognize the challenges women have faced throughout history.

This period is crucial for encouraging reflection on both the victories and struggles encountered by women, serving as a poignant reminder of the ongoing journey towards gender equality. 

Why Is Women's History Month Important?

Women's History Month serves as a crucial period for highlighting the historical and contemporary achievements of women despite the limits put in place by patriarchal societies. It acts as a poignant reminder of the progress made towards achieving gender equality, while also emphasizing the need for continued efforts to overcome systemic barriers. 

This observance plays a key role in fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for the significant contributions women have made in shaping our society, culture, and history. By ensuring these contributions are recognized and celebrated, Women's History Month stimulates important discussions on gender equity, motivating individuals and organizations alike to push for meaningful change. Moreover, dedicating a month to honor the achievements of women encourages a broader reflection on the values of inclusivity and diversity, contributing to the creation of a more equitable world for all.

Women’s Challenges In the Workplace

One of the places women still face measurable inequality has, unfortunately, remained the workplace. Issues such as the gender pay gap, underrepresentation in leadership roles, workplace harassment, and problematic maternity leave policies are all barriers modern women face during the lifetime of their careers.

Keeping all of this in mind presents brands with opportunities to promote strides towards progress within their own operations. Employees and consumers alike will appreciate the effort and execution.

Recognizing Women as Vital Consumers, Workers, and Citizens

It's imperative for brands to acknowledge the multifaceted roles of women as consumers, workers, and citizens. Recognizing the substantial economic influence and purchasing power of women, alongside their invaluable contributions to the workforce and society at large, is crucial. Women make up 46% of the U.S. workforce and around 75% of U.S. consumers!

Developing marketing strategies that are respectful, inclusive, and empowering reflects this recognition, enhancing the brand's image and contributing to a more equitable and diverse market landscape.

Showcasing Female Industry Influence

Showcasing the female power within your brand and across the industry acts as a compelling strategy to connect with audiences and advocate for gender equality. Highlighting the achievements and pivotal roles of women, whether in leadership, innovation, or decision-making, serves as a source of inspiration and motivation. 

This approach not only celebrates the significant contributions of women but also promotes a culture of inclusivity and diversity within the corporate environment, attracting talent and positively influencing brand perception.

Creating Content for Women's History Month

Creating content for Women's History Month requires a strategic and respectful approach that highlights the pivotal role of women in shaping industries and society at large. 

Begin by researching the history of women in your field, aiming to uncover and share stories and achievements that may not be widely known. This step lays a solid foundation for crafting content that is both engaging, informative, and appropriate for the holiday.

Next, focus on spotlighting the impact women have had on your brand's evolution or within your niche industry. You may be surprised to find how much they’ve contributed to the growth of relevant companies. 

Most importantly, make sure the women who work with your brand are involved in this content creation process. This can include interviews, employee features, or collaborative projects—ensuring that the content is authentic and inclusive. Involvement like this brings forth a variety of perspectives and stories, making the content more relatable and inspiring to your audience.

By adopting this approach, your brand can effectively pay homage to women's achievements, fostering a deeper connection with your audience and contributing to a more legitimate narrative around Women's History Month.

Researching Women in Your Industry

Embarking on a journey to research the history of women in your industry is a critical first step in crafting content for Women's History Month. This process involves uncovering the relatively unknown stories and contributions of women, which have been pivotal yet perhaps underrecognized. 

Utilizing credible sources, looking into historical records, and conducting expert interviews are key methods to gather in-depth insights. This foundational research not only enriches your content but also ensures it appropriately honors the women who have significantly shaped your industry.

Exploring Women's Impact on Your Brand's Evolution

Highlighting how women have contributed to the growth and evolution of your brand adds a deeply personal and inspirational layer to your Women's History Month content. Analyze your brand's history to identify milestones and key moments where women's contributions were crucial. 

This exploration is likely to reveal inspirational stories of innovation, leadership, and resilience, demonstrating the invaluable impact of women on your brand's journey towards success.

Involving Women in Your Brand for Spotlight Features

Actively involving women in the creation of your Women's History Month content is essential for ensuring authenticity. Consider formats such as interviews, guest blog posts, or collaborative projects to include women from various levels within your organization or industry. 

Spotlight features not only celebrate individual achievements but also provide insightful perspectives and personal narratives, making your content more engaging and relatable to your audience. This inclusive approach fosters a sense of community, shining a light on the continuous and significant contributions of women to your brand and the wider industry. Giving women a platform to share their narratives makes your content more compelling and truly reflective of what Women's History Month is all about.

Women’s History Month Content Creation Strategies

To ensure your content for Women's History Month truly resonates, implementing an effective content creation strategy is the first step. Begin with crafting social media posts, newsletters, blog posts, podcasts, etc. that do more than just inform—they should engage and inspire your audience. 

It's important to emphasize the context of Women's History Month, integrating the historical and contemporary significance of women's contributions to both your industry and society.

Crafting Your Women’s History Month Content

Your Women's History Month Content is going to need to serve several purposes including education and appreciation (as well as some minor brand promotion where appropriate). Employ storytelling techniques to bring the achievements and narratives of women to life, incorporating visuals and quotes to boost engagement. 

Tailoring your message and its format to suit the unique characteristics of each platform ensures your content's maximum reach and resonance, engaging a broad spectrum of audiences.

Emphasizing the Context of Women's History Month

In your content, emphasizing the context of Women's History Month is crucial for underscoring its significance. Illuminate the historical struggles and triumphs of women, linking these stories to contemporary issues and your brand’s ethos. 

This method deepens your audience's appreciation and understanding, sparking reflection and conversation about the journey toward gender equality and the hurdles that remain.

Real Examples of Brands Celebrating Women’s History Month

Identifying brands that excel in Women's History Month recognition is crucial for understanding how to authentically integrate this observance into your marketing strategies. These brands stand out by crafting content that not only honors women's achievements but also resonates with their audiences' values and expectations. Observing their successful approaches offers valuable insights into how thoughtful recognition can enhance brand connection with audiences, fostering an environment of inclusivity and respect.


As one of the largest and most profitable companies on the planet, it’s crucial for brands like Google to set an example for other corporations when it comes to important events like Women’s History Month. For 2024, they published a blog titled “4 Things to Remember This International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month.” 

This blog shares campaigns executed by their other brands that lift up and promote women’s voices, stories, challenges, and triumphs. They also show readers easy ways to search for specific women-owned businesses and organizations. They wrap up this article with tips for becoming a better ally for the women in your life and understanding the problems many of them still face today. 


Carhartt has executed a rather ingenious Women’s History month campaign where they highlight women in skilled trades professions, an industry that has been historically dominated by men. In addition to showing these women at work (in their Carhartt gear), they’re also working with Metallica to provide donations toward the “For the Love of Labor” grant that helps organizations place women in skilled positions. 

They donated the first $250k in sales made on March 8th to the grant. You can check out their Instagram page here

Expedia Group

Expedia Group, which had already launched its own women’s business group called Women at Expedia Learning and Leading (WELL), celebrated last Women’s history month by sharing the stories of women with their company.

These efforts included blog posts like “Meet Women at Expedia Group Learning and Leading’s New President” where Senior Program Manager Karen Tocher was interviewed about her transition into the global president position of WELL. In addition to being asked about her new position, she also discusses the importance of Women’s History Month and gender equity.


PepsiCo is an obvious industry giant with hundreds of thousands of employees. For Women's History Month in 2024, they brought back their “She Is PepsiCo” campaign, an initiative started in March of 2022. 

This campaign features the real women that work in various roles at PepsiCo, sharing their stories, images, and achievements. Their content includes short films about their female employees like Tracy Pendleton. You can watch her video here.

Final Thoughts

Reflecting on the various strategies for brands to engage with Women's History Month, it becomes evident that authenticity, inclusivity, and recognition stand at the core of meaningful engagement. These principles not only elevate a brand's connection with its audience but also contribute to the larger movement towards gender equality. 

By thoughtfully incorporating Women's History Month into your marketing efforts, your brand has the opportunity to celebrate the vast achievements of women, address ongoing challenges, and empower future generations.

This annual observance acts as a compelling reminder of the critical need to acknowledge and appreciate the contributions of women across all facets of life. A brand's commitment to Women's History Month reflects its broader dedication to building a more inclusive, equitable, and respectful society. 

In essence, honoring Women's History Month is more than a marketing strategy; it's a testament to a brand's integral values and its role in shaping a better world.

If you’re looking for assistance in recognizing other important holidays with your branded content, contact Steel Croissant today to get started!


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